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4m 06s
What example do you have of a successful social media campaign?
Sedge Beswick
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3m 18s
What do you need to consider when setting up a social enterprise?
Simon Bates
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1m 07s
Why is it important for charities to use a CRM?
Collette Langley
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What is a CRM?
Collette Langley
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1m 41s
What should a charity look for when purchasing a CRM?
Collette Langley
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1m 06s
How can you use a CRM to grow your charity?
Collette Langley
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3m 42s
How can charities influence relationships online?
Nathalie Nahai
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6m 50s
Why are women less likely to be promoted to senior positions?
Kate Cooper
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1m 27s
What advice would you give an L&D project manager
Colin Bradford
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1m 29s
What are the key components of an innovation culture?
Darren Bartlett
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1m 39s
Tell us about an innovative organisation
Darren Bartlett
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1m 35s
How can appropriate coaching drive business performance?
Stuart Holdsworth
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