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4m 23s
When might social franchising be appropriate for an organisation?
Charlotte Hanson
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2m 58s
What are your top tips for charities when planning and managing a crisis...
Becky Slack
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3m 18s
How can charities make their marketing efforts go further?
Caspar Walsh
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4m 11s
What advice would you give a charity looking to receive corporate sponsorship?
Wendy Carter
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2m 27s
How should charities respond to negative coverage?
Becky Slack
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9m 03s
The importance of ethical business practice
David Pardey
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1m 53s
What can go wrong when charities don’t follow the DPA?
Richard Marbrow
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2m 23s
Why is data protection so important for charities?
Richard Marbrow
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1m 39s
Tell us about an innovative organisation
Darren Bartlett
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2m 20s
What processes are required to develop organisational trust?
Stephen Frost
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What is a personal brand?
Jennifer Holloway
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1m 00s
Why is personal branding so important?
Jennifer Holloway
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1m 51s
What goes into your personal brand?
Jennifer Holloway
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1m 00s
What is social leadership and what is a social leader in the workplace?
Julian Stodd
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2m 02s
EDI: Paul Deemer describes the landscape of EDI within the UK in 2021
Paul Deemer
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