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1m 43s
How can charities build relationships with their stakeholders and donators?
Letitia Allman
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1m 35s
What are the basics of strategic planning and how can charities get it right?
Melissa Nobrega
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1m 41s
Why is it so important for charities to measure their impact?
Charlotte Hanson
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5m 04s
How can a charity calculate the social impact they have?
Janine Edwards
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2m 20s
How has the Tinder Foundation used a case study to help engage it's...
Chris Andersson
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2m 37s
How can L&D managers and charities create key relationships with...
Caroline Carr
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2m 05s
How can charities use case studies to promote their organisation?
Chris Andersson
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8m 46s
What are the four enablers of engagement?
David MacLeod
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2m 16s
What three things help innovation?
Tim Reid
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