Lisa McCandless
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1m 12s
Why is it important to have effective coaching in the workplace?
Lisa McCandless
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1m 11s
Why is video an effective learning solution in the workplace?
Lisa McCandless
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1m 26s
How can organisations implement video as part of their learning offering?
Lisa McCandless
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2m 02s
What are the essential coaching techniques to drive a team’s performance?
Lisa McCandless
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How importanrt is it for employees to feel valued within an organisation?
Lisa McCandless
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1m 23s
How is leadership different from management?
Lisa McCandless
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1m 08s
Why is it important that videos used in learning and development are authentic?
Lisa McCandless
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1m 20s
How is United Biscuits using video in the workplace?
Lisa McCandless
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