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1m 48s
Making a confident first impression
Lou Harris
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3m 26s
How can breath contribute to presentations?
Geraldine McCullagh
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1m 32s
What does the term ‘mentoring’ actually mean?
Stephanie Sowersby
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5m 08s
What tips do you have for preparing a public presentation?
Geraldine McCullagh
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2m 21s
Can you appear confident through your body language?
Adam Harwood
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4m 04s
How can you hold a room with your presence?
Geraldine McCullagh
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1m 43s
Why is being good at public speaking important?
Michael Ronayne
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3m 47s
Is body language important in the workplace and if so why?
Adam Harwood
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3m 22s
What are the essential ingredients for great leadership?
Marion Kneale
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2m 14s
What support do volunteers need?
Laura Livesey
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1m 37s
How can we develop our volunteers?
Laura Livesey
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2m 47s
How can someone become an effective coach?
Christoph Williams
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1m 48s
What are the essential tools managers need to develop their team?
Stuart Holdsworth
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3m 00s
For people that are shy, what networking advice would you give them?
Darryl Howes
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What does great leadership mean to you?
Debra Allcock Tyler
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1m 17s
EDI: To be brave is to be honest and transparent and that is the best way to...
Melissa Sterling
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2m 49s
EDI: Actively change the decision making process by finding the point of failure...
Mark Lomas
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3m 08s
EDI: Fly the flag of EDI throughtout the year, not just during Gay Pride
Laura Heely Archer
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EDI: Changing perspectives is hard but if you can change one persons'...
Ruben Carol
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1m 12s
EDI: Is EDI work treated as importantly than other work?
Ruben Carol
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